Correu de moodle Security

Correu de moodle Security

Nombre de respostes: 1

Hola he rebut un correu on diu que hem d'actualitzar la nostra versió de moodle. 

Escola del Bosc: 08041210

Això ho hem de fer els administradors? 

Us enganxo el mail: 

To all registered Moodle Administrators,

Minor Version Release

I'm writing today to let you know that Moodle 3.8.3, 3.7.6, 3.6.10 and 3.5.12 are now available via the usual open download channels; and Git. The release notes for each version can be found at the following links:

Security Fixes and Improvements

As well as bug fixes, performance improvements and polishing, there are security fixes that you should be aware of. Details of the security issues that have been fixed in this release are listed at the bottom of this email.

Fixes and improvements that contribute to security best practices are also an important element of keeping Moodle instances and their data secure. Any security improvements in this release are also listed at the bottom of this email.

As a registered Moodle admin, you receive notice of fixed security issues before they are published more widely. In approximately one week, the details will also be available from, as well as by searching the relevant CVE identifiers.

To avoid leaving your site vulnerable, we highly recommend you upgrade your sites to the latest Moodle version as soon as you can. If you cannot upgrade, then please check the below list carefully and patch your own system or switch off those features.

Thank You

As with every release, a huge thank you goes out to everyone involved in reporting and fixing issues. It is a huge team effort, and everyone's hard work is very much appreciated by both Moodle HQ and the wider Moodle community.

Thanks for using Moodle and being part of the Moodle open source community.

Michael Hawkins
Moodle HQ