Curs per a les companyes.

English activities for revising. 

In this course you will find some activities on what has been already done in class. Choose the category depending on your level. If you passed English subject choose "standard" activities. If you haven't passed English choose "basic" activities.

Hi boys and girls,

Welcome to the new English course. I hope you are ready to face this unusual year. We will be working with Dynamics and other material and resources along the course. Also, you will find some activities in Àgora that will help you to reinforce the contents we learn in class. 

In case of a new confinement, this will be the place to find and upload your tasks. 

I hope you have a good course!

Eli Zamora

Aquí trobareu activitats amb el que ja hem vist a classe per tal que seguiu practicant en període de confinament.