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Fichier TASKS 1-6 described and reinforced
Fichier English Pack

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URL Using English students' site

Learn English for free. Use our wide range of resources for students of English, including everything from language references, online tests & quizzes, to articles on English usage.


Welcome to ESL Video!

Free quizzes, lessons and online conversation classes for English language learners.

18th-22nd May: Grammar quizz & article THE Fichier Homework
11th-14th May. VOCABULARY: Collocations URL Collocations:Using metaphors (metaphorical language)
Week 4th-8th May: Conditionals URL Zero Conditional: Explanatory video

Watch this short video on Youtube ans learn about the use of The Zero Conditional in English.

URL Practice 1: Perfect English Grammar
URL Practice 2: British Council
URL The First Conditional: Explanatory video

Watch this short video on Youtube ans learn about the use of The First Conditional in English.

URL Practice 1: Perfect English Grammar
URL Practice 2: British Council