Good morning students!

Today we're going to see how to comment vital signs.


Heart rate = 120 bpm --> "This patient has a fast heart rate because it's above 100 bpm"  (above = per sobre de)

Respiratory rate = 8 rpm --> "This patient has a slow respiratory rate because it's below 10 rpm" (below = per sota de)

Heart rate = 75 bpm --> "This patient has a normal heart rate because it's within normal limits " (= dins de la normalitat)

  • The other four vital signs, blood pressure, temperature, oxygen saturation and blood glucose level , measure quantity,
  • We can use three different adjectives to describe these vital signs: high, low  and normal.
  • Examples

    Temperature = 38,8 ºC --> "This patient has a high temperature (or a fever) because it's above 37.5 ºC.

    Blood pressure = 90/65 mmHg --> "This patient has a low blood pressure because systolic pressure is below 100 mmHg.

    Blood glucose level = 98 mg/dl --> "This patient has a normal blood glucose level because it's within normal limits "

    Oxygen Saturation = 97% --> "This patient has a normal oxygen saturation because it's above 94%"