Listen to the audio and answer the following questions.

"Your Majesty, prime ministers, Lord President of the Council, Presidents of the Community's institutions, Ministers, Ladies and Gentlemen:

Today marks an important step in history for Spain and for Europe. By signing the EEC accession treaty, we have set a milestone to achieve unity in our old continent and also to overcome Spain's secular isolation...
For Spain, this implies, a modern challenge that requires a change of mindset and structures. It will be an important adaptation that will strengthen us, as we join with delay, an already developing process"


Excerpt from the speech by Spanish Prime Minister Felipe González at the signing of the accession of Spain to the EEC (European Economic Community). June 12, 1982


  1. What type of source is this and what is its historical context?
    Classify and justify your answer.(2 points)

    It is a primary source, it is a source contemporary of the facts, textual and public, with a political meaning .
    (It is not a secondary source:A secondary source often relies on primary sources (as well as other secondary sources))

    Historical context: the end of the dictatorship, the Franco Regime from 1939-75, and the consolidation of the democracy with the socialist era (1982-1996) It means the formal entry of Spain into the European Community.

  2. Do you believe that the accession to the EEC benefited Spain, how?
    Justify your answer. (2 points)
    Positive aspects:economical, political, social
    Negative: economical

  3. Give your comment on this quote and give your explanation to what it refers to:
    "we have set a milestone to achieve unity in our continent and also to overcome Spain's secular isolation.(2 points)

    It refers to the second Ward War when Europe was divided in capitalist and communist areas:
    Spain remained isolate from democratic countries until Franco's deceased.

  4. What main problems were occurring at this moment in Spain (1975-1986) (have a look at this link-? Justify your answer. (3 points)
    Eta/ 23 F/ Atocha and economical problems..

  5. Do you think the next European elections are really important for you. Why?  (Fòrum L5: - link)(1 point).
    As you can see 80 % of the laws that concern....( look at the forum L5) are made ....
    so, have a look at this (link) and if you like, try to take part on it ( debate on line- link)


Spain: EPA (employment). (INE: enllaç)
anàlisi dades (enllaç)






Última modificación: domingo, 19 de abril de 2020, 14:52