Read the contents and do the activities


Know and understand

  • Primary and Secondary Sources
  • Describe the most significant characteristics of the field and the Spanish and Catalan industry in the early twentieth century.
  • Summarize the conditions of life and work of industrial workers in the early twentieth century
  • Analyze the evolution of Catalan and Spanish labor movement in the second stage of the Restoration and the different trends that formed
  • Summarize the living and working conditions of women workers and describe the changes and continuities of the status of women in the early twentieth century

Be able to

  • Select information
  • Take notes from an audio
  • Identify concepts
  • Summarize.
  • Share opinions in a discussion forum

Be aware of:

  • the most significant characteristics of the field (field workers ) and the Spanish and Catalan industry in the early 20th century.
  • industrial workers life conditions in the early 20th century.
  • changes and continuities of the women status in the early 20th century and their working and living conditions
  • the evolution of Catalan and Spanish labor movement in the second stage of the Restoration.

Assessment Activities:

  • L5AC1_ E.Activities
  • L5ACR_E Task

  • Matching questions and filling blanks
  • Listening to, taking notes and completing sentences
  • Explaining, giving and justifying opinions.

 Mark of the assessment  activities

  •  All the assessment activities have the same value (as in catalan activities: La nota final del lliurament serà la mitjana aritmètica de les qualificacions obtingues en les activitats d'avaluació).



Darrera modificació: divendres, 2 de febrer 2018, 13:39