Listen to the

and answer the following questions:

"Choose, then, between the permanent falsification of universal suffrage or its elimination if you don’t want to have to choose between the existence and the disappearance of property (...).

The deep conviction that inequalities come from God, which are specific to our nature and I believe, given this difference in intelligence and even morality, that the intelligent minorities will always govern the world. "

Canovas del Castillo


  1. What kind of source is that?
    Primary, textual and public

  2. Explain who was Cánovas and his importance in the consolidation of the Restoration. What did he do in order to achieve the end of the military intervention?
    In order to achieve this goal, to end with the violence and chaos characteristic of Spanish liberal regimes, he designed a political system separate from royal absolutism and military intervention ("pronunciaments, asonades"). He organized two political parties (liberal conservative and liberal progressive) limited the suffrage, control  press and oppositional parties with the aim to restore order, but the system used fraudulent practices to this dynastic rotation

  3. Which was the role of the king in the Restoration system?
    The King was the arbiter in this system " torn pacífic", that was the problem, he agreed and the end of the Restoration system meant  also the end of the monarchy.
    Even with the universal manhood suffrage this fraudulent practices worked.

  4. How this "pacific turn" works? Which parties were excluded?
    The Pact of the Pardo Palace meant that liberal party of Sagasta take the power, a long period know as "Sagasta's long parliament". Liberal and Conservative made a tacit accord to alternate in power: before a party abandoned power it is assured that its absence was temporary, usually till the next elections.
    The manipulation of the vote was in the basis of this political system and controlled by the Ministry of the Interior. The "cacique" was the main political protagonist of the Restauration
    It works excluding almost all the parties, from the right as carlist (reactionary party  whit the motto " "throne and altar",but they renounced to war) to the left as republicans, federal republicans, working classes, radicals) and with high centralized structure.
  5. Do you think this system was a good political system to our country? (2 points) (6-7lines)
    (explain and justify your answer)

Zuletzt geändert: Montag, 14. September 2015, 13:29