Read the following text and answer the questions that follow.

"The right of workers is undoubtedly getting a salary as high as possible. The right of manufacturers to reduce production costs ;eternal law which is subject to all human production, and the debate established for the procurement of services of workers, freedom to accept or reject conditions for both sides is the only rule to which men can undergo."

Laurea Figuerola (1854)


  1. Which was the historical context of this text and what kind of source is it? (5-6 lines) (2 points)
    (Context:When it was created, what was happening during this time period?
    Isabel was the Queen, after Moderate years and The Progressive Biennium

    Source:Textual, iconographical, statistical, cartographical, public/private: Picture, image, text, map... and justify your opinion)

  2. Who is the main idea of the text?(5-6 lines) (2 points)
    (What powerful words and ideas are expressed?)
    All kinds of economic relations is leaving the market-that is, the law of supply and demand-that regulate the running of the economy, including the labour contract relations. Relationships between manufacturers and workers to establish the salary of the latter is based on supply and demand in the labor market.

  3. Why/ How does this text reflect the liberal mindset? Q2_B1_LFIGU_3.mp3.
    Do you agree with L. Figuerola? Who was he?(5-6 lines) (2 points)
    (Explain and justify your opinion)
    Why this text reflects the liberal mindset?

    Before the triumph of liberal ideology, wages were regulated by guilds of craftsmen and not by the market. One of the basic components of the liberal ideology is to rid of barriers (customs, labor, state interventions, etc..) All kinds of economic relations is leaving the market-that is, the law of supply and demand-that regulate the running of the economy, including the labor contract relations
    Do you agree with L. Figuerola? Who was he?
    (Explain and justify your opinion)
    The Catalan economist and politician Laurea Figuerola, born in Calaf on 4 July 1816, and died in Madrid on 28 February 1903, is known for creating the currency of the peseta.

  4. Source 2 (4-5 lines) (2 points):
    According to this source, which were the demands of the labour movement? What was the first of May?.

    8 hores la campana de Gràcia. 3 maig 1890

    ( As ... in source 8 the worker's demands were... 8 hours of...

    The history of the 1st May. International Workers Day, was in commemoration of four anarchist executed for their demands on a 8 hours day in Chicago in 1886, and the subsequent execution of four innocent anarchist workers.

    Some extra information- link-
    Chicago anarchist- link-

  5. Which were the demands of the labour movement in 1854? Who was Josep Barceló?(5-6 lines) (2 points)
    (have a look at catalan activities source 2 vaga general 1855)
    association rights
    working and living conditions:8 hours
    Army:milicia nacional

    Conflict is known as the selfactinas,Barcelona in July 1854, against the mechanization of spinning selfactinas calls provided by (the term "self-acting"), spinning automatic machines that saved labor to which they blamed the layoff of many workers.
    1854: a multitude of workers began in Barcelona spinners
    fire selfactinas several factories where they worked.
    It was the first general strike in Spain, it took place in Barcelona because it was the main industrial center (mainly textil)
    The strikers returned to work only when General Espartero Barcelona sent a personal message of yours which asked who should trust him, that he was "a son of the people who has never deceived the people." Then the workers 'associations sent to Madrid a paper,  entitled Exposition laborer class to Cortes, calling for a law of workers' associations that regulated labor relations.
    Josep Barceló
    was the leader of the labour movement, but he was convicted and executed.


Parliamentary commissioners: comissionats parlamentaris.
The right of vote: universal suffrage. Suffragists: women and the the right of vote.
Citizen/ Democracy/
Suffrage: Male and wealthy.
Middle-class , worker-class.Textil, factories.
Children sent to work..
They worked as slaves but they....

social protection
Production costs.
Luddites: luddites.
Wage: vaga// Labour strike
Trade Unions//Marxism//Anarchism
Industrial working class
Working  and living conditions

Work schedules per day/ per week
Time for leisure, studies or rest

8 hours

social  or political decisions
illegal actions
Living conditions. Prospects: perspectives.
Out-workers: (els treballadors a domicili)
Water-power:la força hidràulica, steam-power: vapor,
mill: molí .
Mining: mineria.
Transport: Stagecoaches (diligències) Railway, canal.

Useful sentences:

This text clearly shows that…
Working and living conditions were….
The freedom to accept or reject condition...
The industrial revolution...
To improve working conditions..
The first strike action in Spain was...
The child/women labour...

Today every citizenship // the age of 18 //
Will can vote
Universal suffrage was… until.
Women had not the right of vote until…
It was a fraudulent vote…….
Letting everyone vote was not
It wasn’t easy to achieve….
Privileged people decided ….
Colonies were…

  1. Dictionary
  2. Linguee link
  3. 21st working conditions link
Última modificación: viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018, 11:16