Read the text and try to answer the following questions:

Imperial Decree proclaiming Joseph Bonaparte King of Spain. June 6, 1808.

" Napoleon, by the grace of God, Emperor of the French, King of Italy, Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine, to all those who shall see these presents, greeting.
The Junta of State, the Council of Castile, the city of Madrid, etc., etc., having made known to us by addresses that the welfare of Spain requires that an end should be promptly put to the interregnum, we have resolved to proclaim, as we do proclaim by the present [proclamation], that our well beloved brother Joseph Napoleon, at present King of Naples and Sicily, is King of Spain and the Indies.
We guarantee to the King of Spain the integrity of his States, whether in Europe, Africa, Asia, or America.
We enjoin upon the lieutenant general of the kingdom, the ministers, and the Council of Castile, to cause the present proclamation to be dispatched and published in the accustomed forms, in order that nobody can pretend grounds of ignorance of it"

Given at our imperial palace at Bayonne, June 6, 1808.

[Signed] NAPOLEON.

Welcome to the semester:

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Remember that you have the evaluation system (study guide in Catalan) in order to check the weight of the activities evaluated in the final of the Bloc.

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..... teacher's name


  1. Now that you have learned the definition of a primary source, summarize what is a primary and a secondary source.( 5-6 lines)(1 point)
    Primary sources are contemporary accounts of an event written or painted by someone who experienced or witnessed the event in question. Primary sources are actual records that have survived from the past, such as pictures (by Goya), biographies, articles, correspondence, laws or direct quotes from people living in the past

  2. What kind of source is it? (Textual, iconographical, statistical, cartographical; public/private;...)(see glossary)
    Justify your opinion
    . (5-6 lines) (2 points)
    It is a textual, primary and public
    source, a governmental document with a juridical/legal meaning.
    Primary sources are contemporary accounts of an event...

  3. When was it created? What was happening during this time period?  ( 5-6 lines) (2 points)
    It was signed by napoleon, so it means that it is reliable.
  4. Who proclaimed Joseph Bonaparte King of Spain, why and what happened with the Borbon monarchy at Bayonne? (6-7 lines) (3 points)
    Joseph was  Napoleon Bonaparte brother and  when Napoelon invaded Spain and Portugal..
    The brutal incursion—which included mass executions of Spanish citizens who rose up in opposition to Napoleon's invasion—culminated in French occupation and the installation of Napoleon's brother, Joseph Bonaparte, on the Spanish throne.

    Both kings of Spain were forced to abdicate in favour of Napoleon's choice for the Spanish throne. He selected his brother Joseph, who at present was king of Naples (a dignity now to be transferred to Murat). This is politics at its most cynical. But just a few days earlier a much more significant event occurred in Madrid: The third of May.

  5. Why is it said that the Independence war against the French was, a war against the French invasion, and also a civil war as well?? (6-8 lines) (2 points)
    The war against Napoleon (1808-1814) also contained elements of a civil war between the absolutist supporters of the restored monarchy, Ferdinand VII, and the Liberals who had given the country its first Constitution, de Cádiz or the Constitution of 1812.
    This conflict included the Carlist War

    You can use this frame to answer the questions.

    Structure Useful starters Useful vocabulary


    It is perfectly clear that you can see...

    As you can see…

    Reliable, Independence War, French Revolution, abdicate, occupation army, the Bourbons, events, laws,the French army, Royal Spanish Family,
    Artist /author
    I think the artist is trying to….
    Goya make understand better...
    The picture evokes // reminds me of..
    The author

    Reflect/ express/ explore/

    Contribute to/ …..historical events. Art playing role...

    The interpretation of historical events and people// The atmosphere of those times// The Third of May also...

    They look as if they were...

    Context It refers to…
    The Spanish Ancien Regime...
    The war against French
    The nobility, the clergy..
    Liberal countries in Europe..
    To elect the nations lawmakers..
    The transfer of the Crown to...
    Before/After the ... War
    unfit to rule/ The French Revolution/the brutal incursion/
    executions of Spanish citizens.
    Absolute monarchy/ parliamentary system/ popular sovereignty
    dismantled/ abolished
    privileges/ citizens/ seigneurial rights/law and merits-privileged
    Legal equality/ political legitimation/ Middle class/popular classes
    Disorders in Madrid/ war of Independence that lasted...
    Source This source is a... Primary /secondary source/ textual/ iconographical/ cartographical/ public/ private/ political.



Zuletzt geändert: Sonntag, 3. Februar 2019, 10:51