Grammar book

10. Present perfect / Present perfect continuous

Present perfect / Present perfect continuous


Afirmatiu Negatiu i formes contractes Interrogatiu Respostes breus

verb regular

verb irregular

verb regular i irregular


Resposta breu afirmativa Resposta breu negativa

I have played (=he jugat)

I have drunk (=he begut)

I have not played /drunk

I haven't played/drunk

Have I played?

Have I drunk?

Yes, I have.

No, I haven't.

you have played (=has jugat)

you have drank (=has begut)

you have not played/drunk

you haven't played/drunk

Have you played?

Have you drunk?

Yes, you have.

No, you haven't.

he,she, it has played (=ha jugat)

he,she, it has drunk (=ha begut)

he, she, it has not played/drunk

he, she, it hasn't played/drunk

Has he/she/it played?

Has he/she/it drunk?

Yes, he,she, it has.

No, he, it hasn't

we have played (=hem jugat)

we have drunk (=hem begut)

we have not play/drunk

we haven't played/drunk

Have we played?

Have we drunk?

Yes, we have.

No , we haven't.

you have played (=heu jugat)

you have drunk (=heu begut)

you have not played/drunk

you haven't played/drunk

Have you played?

Have you drunk?

Yes, you have.

No, you haven't.

they have played (=han jugat)

they have drunk (=han begut)

they have not played/drunk

they haven't played/drunk

Have they played?

Have they drunk?

Yes, they have.

No, they haven't.

Com es forma el Past Participle? 

Els participis regulars es formen afegint a l'infinitu: -ed

Els participis irregulars s'han d'estudiar. Si cliqueu aquí trobareu una llista dels participis irregulars més importants. Un participi és irregular quan no es forma afegint -ed a l'infinitiu. P. ex. El participi del verb to eat és eaten

Alguns exemples de participis irregulars:

to be            been

to drink        drunk

to go            gone

to drive        driven


A diferència del temps català pretèrit indefinit (exs.: Ho he fet, L'hem vista, etc.), el present perfect pot expressar accions i estats que comencen en el passat i que duren fins ara, és a dir, accions i estats que el català expressa en el present. Exemples :We have been here for an hour (=Som aquí des de fa una hora), He has had this car since 1994 (= aquest cotxe des de 1994)have known her since she was born (=La conec des que va néixer) i Lately I have felt a little funny (=Últimament em trobo una mica estrany).