Material Unit [L3]

1. Gerund as a noun & Infinitive of purpuse

Gerund: a verbs as a noun

We can sometimes use the gerund form of a verb (-ing) to act like a noun, often as the subject of a sentence. La forma en -ing pot fer la funció de substantiu, sovint com a subjecte de la frase.

  • Swimming is a great form of exercise.
  • Living in a capital city can be very expensive.

Infinitive of purpuse

We can use the infinitive form of a verb to express purpose or reason for doing something. La forma de l'infinitiu es pot fer servir per expressar un propòsit o raó per fer alguna cosa.

  • They sent an email to the company to complain.

Do you see the difference in the following two sentences? In one, "reading" is a gerund (noun). In the other, "reading" is a present participle (verb).

  1. My favourite occupation is reading.
  2. My favourite niece is reading.

In #1, "reading" is a gerund (like a noun):

main verb complement
My favourite occupation is reading.
My favourite occupation is football.

In #2, "reading" is a present participle (verb):

auxiliary verb main verb
My favourite niece is reading.
My favourite niece has finished. 

EX 1