Material Unit [L1]

3. informal e-mail

In an informal email, you write to a friend or relative about personal news.

Example task:

Write an informal email to a friend, telling him/hem your news.

A Get ideas

  • Think about who you're writing and why you're writing.
  • Make notes about the key notes you want to include.
  • Think of some questions to asks or some suggestions to make.

B Plan

  • Choose the best ideas from your notes.
  • Organize your ideas into a paragraph.

■ Greating (Hi...)

Paragraph 1

■ A personal message, eg. how are things? Why you're writing: Right now, I'm ...

Paragraph 2 & 3

■ The main topic you want to discuss.

Paragraph 4 

■ Clossing message, e.g. Let's meet up soon.

■ Clossing expressions, e.g. (Write soon! Bye for now, etc.

C Write