Aquí teniu uns quants models dels professors/es que us serviran d'ajuda per a redactar la vostra presentació:

Hello everyone,

My name is Anna. I am 43 years old. I'm from Barcelona but I live in Gualba (Montseny). I am a teacher and I work at the IOC.

I hope you enjoy this course. See you soon!



Hello students!


My name is Ester. I'm 37 years old. I am from Barcelona but I live in Avià (Berguedà). I am an English teacher and I work at the IOC.


I Hope you enjoy learning English.


See you soon!



My name is Berta. I am 29 years old. I'm from Albacete but I live in Barcelona. I am an English teacher and I work at IOC.

I hope you enjoy learning English.

See you soon!


Hello students! 

My name is Sergio. I'm 36 years old. I am from Barcelona and I live in the same city. I love watching thrillers and playing basketball.
I am your English teacher and I hope you will enjoy learning English.
See you soon!
Darrera modificació: dijous, 2 d’abril 2020, 19:17